
In this section we'll see how to create a spending proposal and how to approve and finalize it.


Create a new spending proposal

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let policy_id: EventId = ...; // Get from policies list or pass a specific event ID

// Create a new proposal
let proposal: Proposal = client
        Address::from_str("mohjSavDdQYHRYXcS3uS6ttaHP8amyvX78")?, // Dastination address
        Amount::Custom(10_934), // Use `Amount::Max` to send all funds
        "Back to the faucet", // Description
        FeeRate::Priority(Priority::Medium), // Use `FeeRate::Rate(1.0)`` to specify the sat/vByte
        None, // Specify the UTXOs to use (optional)
        None, // Specify the policy path to use (needed only if exists a timelock in the policy descriptor)
        false, // Allow usage of UTXOs frozen by others proposals
println!("New proposal: {proposal:#?}");


Currently you can approve a proposal with the seed stored in the keychain or use an AirGap signer and import the signed PSBT.

Approve with the seed

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let proposal_id: EventId = ...; // Id of a proposal
// Ex. let proposal_id: EventId = proposal.proposal_id;

// Approve a proposal with the stored seed

Approve with a signed PSBT (AirGap signer)

use std::str::FromStr;
use smartvaults_sdk::core::bitcoin::psbt::PartiallySignedTransaction;

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let proposal_id: EventId = ...; // Id of a proposal
// Ex. let proposal_id: EventId = proposal.proposal_id;

// Approve a proposal with a PSBT
let signed_psbt = PartiallySignedTransaction::from_str("base64-psbt")?;
client.approve_with_signed_psbt(proposal_id, signed_psbt).await?;


When the proposal is signed, you can finalize it.

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let proposal_id: EventId = ...;
let proposal: GetProposal = client.get_proposal_by_id(proposal_id).await?;

// Check if proposal is signed
if proposal.signed {
    // Finalize the proposal and broadcast the TX
} else {
    println!("This proposal is not fully signed yet!");