
Let's start by constructing the SmartVaults struct.

There are 3 possible constructors: generate, restore and open. All these when constructed return a ready to use client.


This constructor generate a random BIP39 mnemonic and store it in a local encrypted keychain.

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = SmartVaults::generate(
    "./your-base-path", // A local path where to store all the data
    "account-name", // This will be used for the keychain file name
    || Ok(String::from("password")), // Keychain encryption password
    || Ok(String::from("password")), // Confirmation of the above password
    WordCount::W24, // Number of mnemonic words (possible values are: 12, 18 or 24)
    || Ok(None), // Optional passphrase that will be stored in the keychain
    Network::Testnet, // The bitcoin network to use
import io.smartvaults.sdk.*



This constructor restore a BIP39 mnemonic and store it in a local encrypted keychain.

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = SmartVaults::restore(
    "./your-base-path", // A local path where to store all the data
    "account-name", // This will be used for the keychain file name
    || Ok(String::from("password")), // Keychain encryption password
    || Ok(String::from("password")), // Confirmation of the above password
    || Ok(Mnemonic::from_str("your menmonic").unwrap()), // A BIP39 mnemonic
    || Ok(Some(String::from("my-optional-passphrase"))), // Optional passphrase that will be stored in the keychain
    Network::Testnet, // The bitcoin network to use


This constructor open an already existing keychain.

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = SmartVaults::open(
    || Ok(String::from("password")),