
This guide walks you through the process of fetching your owned signers and sharing them with your contacts.

Table of Contents

  1. Fetching Owned Signers
  2. Sharing an Owned Signer with a Contact

Fetching Owned Signers

To get the list of signers that you own, you can use the getOwnedSigners method.

const mySigners = await smartVaults.getOwnedSigners();
const mySigner = mySigners[0]; // For this example, we are assuming that you have at least one signer

Sharing an Owned Signer with a Contact

To share a signer with a contact, use the saveSharedSigner method. The method takes two parameters: the ownedSigner you wish to share and the public keys of the contacts (pubKeys).

const pubKeys = [contactPubKey]; // Replace with the actual public keys of the contacts you wish to share the signer with
const sharedSigners = await smartVaults.saveSharedSigner(mySigner, pubKeys);