
Signers are descriptors that you can share with contacts (or with other users) to simplify the process of policies creation.

The SmartVaults signer

The SmartVaults signer it's derived from your local seed. It's use the following derivation path: m/86'/<coin>'/784923' (the coin depends on the selected network)

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

// Save the SmartVaults signer (if not exists)

External signers

You can save external signers (like AirGap devices).

use std::str::FromStr;

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let fingerprint = Fingerprint::from_str("7356e457")?;
let descriptor: Descriptor<DescriptorPublicKey> = Descriptor::from_str("[7356e457/86'/1'/784923']tpubDCvLwbJPseNux9EtPbrbA2tgDayzptK4HNkky14Cw6msjHuqyZCE88miedZD86TZUb29Rof3sgtREU4wtzofte7QDSWDiw8ZU6ZYHmAxY9d/0/*")?;
let signer = Signer::airgap("Coldcard", "Description", fingerprint, descriptor)?;

Note: only taproot descriptors are supported

Share a signer

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

// Get my signers
let signers: Vec<GetSigner> = client.get_signers().await?;

// Get the first signer
let signer_id = signers.first().unwrap().signer_id;

// Public key of the user to share the signer
let public_key: XOnlyPublicKey = ...;

// Share
client.share_signer(signer_id, public_key).await?;