
This library provide some templates to simplify the policies creation. Currently the following templates are available:

  • Multisig (M of N)
  • Social recovery: 1 spending key and N others with a relative timelock (funds can be spent after a sequence of N blocks)
  • Inheritance: 1 spending key and N others with an absolute timelock (funds can be spent after the block or timestamp X)
  • Hold: 1 spending key and a relative timelock

Save a template

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let client = ...; // The client that you before constructed

let public_keys = vec![...]; // Nostr public keys of users involved in the policy
let template = ...; // See below examples
        "My Policy", // Name of the policy
        "Policy created from a template", // Description


To simplify the code below, I define all the descriptors used here:

fn main() {
use std::str::FromStr;
use smartvaults_sdk::core::miniscript::DescriptorPublicKey;

let key1 = DescriptorPublicKey::from_str("[7356e457/86'/1'/784923']tpubDCvLwbJPseNux9EtPbrbA2tgDayzptK4HNkky14Cw6msjHuqyZCE88miedZD86TZUb29Rof3sgtREU4wtzofte7QDSWDiw8ZU6ZYHmAxY9d/0/*").unwrap();
let key2 = DescriptorPublicKey::from_str("[4eb5d5a1/86'/1'/784923']tpubDCLskGdzStPPo1auRQygJUfbmLMwujWr7fmekdUMD7gqSpwEcRso4CfiP5GkRqfXFYkfqTujyvuehb7inymMhBJFdbJqFyHsHVRuwLKCSe9/0/*").unwrap();
let key3 = DescriptorPublicKey::from_str("[f3ab64d8/86'/1'/784923']tpubDCh4uyVDVretfgTNkazUarV9ESTh7DJy8yvMSuWn5PQFbTDEsJwHGSBvTrNF92kw3x5ZLFXw91gN5LYtuSCbr1Vo6mzQmD49sF2vGpReZp2/0/*").unwrap();

Multisig 1 of 2

Using the key1 and key2 to create a multisig 1 of 2

use std::str::FromStr;
use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let template = PolicyTemplate::multisig(1, vec![key1, key2]);

Social recovery

Using key1 as spending key and key2 and key3 as recovery keys with a relative timelock of 6 blocks

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let older = Sequence(6); // Relative timelock of 6 blocks
let recovery = RecoveryTemplate::social_recovery(2, vec![key2, key3], older);
let template = PolicyTemplate::recovery(key1, recovery);


Using key1 as spending key and key2 and key3 as recovery with an absolute timelock set at block 840000

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let after = AbsoluteLockTime::from_height(840_000)?; // Absolute timelock (funds can be spent after block 840000)
let recovery = RecoveryTemplate::inheritance(2, vec![key2, key3], after);
let template = PolicyTemplate::recovery(key1, recovery);


Using a single key with a relative timelock

use smartvaults_sdk::prelude::*;

async fn main() {
let older = Sequence(10_000);
let template = PolicyTemplate::hold(key1, older);